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Global marketplace for searching consultants and experts around the world, which is based on Blockchain technology

G-Global is a global Marketplace that resets or seeks global expert consultants in the Global marketplace, based on Blockchain technology. G-Global jg can be called as a universal platform for communication aimed at exchanging experiences and knowledge of Blockchain technology on a large scale. And has a big share in meeting Global Market needs.

The G-Global Business Portal is meant to bring together experts in various fields, as well as politicians and scientists on a universal platform for communication.

With the help of G-Global people from all over the world can access the knowledge and experience of our expert community. For us, we give experts in different fields of opportunity to talk about their experiences and success, to share important information and opinions.

We promote the availability of information and free speech for everyone, so we have developed a system that encourages experts to share their knowledge and experience.

G-Global Business Portal is in a constant state of development. For the best user experience, we introduce new features and services, but also receive suggestions for project improvement from our users.

G-Global Ventures CryptoFund (Anthony Arias, Terry Moreland and Aaron Yahalom.)
Will be created with collections of over $ 50 million with seed capital, calculated as the difference between actual fees and the Hard Cap project of $ 50 million. The fund will operate on thebasis of the G-Global Development Community, officially registered in 2013.

  • Assembling and re-assembly of enterprises in technology and robotization.
  • Tokenization of the real sector (Peg Reed)
  • Creating a team for a startup and ICO
  • Search for the consultant to make an operational decision in a non-standard situation (Alvin Roth)
  • Social elevator for talented workers
  • Specialist for an hour from anywhere in the world and any sphere without labor obligations and other complexities
  • Mentoring support of business by exprets
  • Scalability of business and team
  • Independent and technically protected scoring system, providing a guarantee in the professionalism and motivation of the expert (Eric Maskin).
  • The ability of free human resources monetization in the company with the increase of employees experience.

  • Large market of consulting services
  • A promising and large market for the tokenizing of smart factories and enterprises
  • Integration of G-Global marketplace with ICO platform as a convenient addition
  • Number of tokens and its emissions are strictly limited. (the deflationary model)
  • 50% of tokens are withdrawn from the turnover by the platform
  • Withdrawal from circulation by the commission, a reduction of the money supply
  • Rapid growth of marketplace services in the world
  • Proven business model by beta version, ensures the viability of the project
  • Demand for tokens from the platform users. Investors have a sale of tokens monopoly.
  • Speculative demand for G-Global Token
  • Commission demand for a token (since all commissions are in G-Global)
  • Investments G-Global fund at startup projects.
  • The work of G-Global experts in the enterprise tokenization format

The main functions and advantages of the platform will be implemented on the basis of two technologies, IPFS and Blockchain Ethereum.
The record of all transactions, operations and actions will be publicly available on Ethereum Blockchain. Encrypted details of the operations and information files form will be stored on distributed nodes using the IPFS protocol.

Project Team
Denis Tsyro
The founder of the project
For the last 12 years, Denis Tsyro has been working in the
organization of training people for factories and enterprises. More
than 1000 specialists have been trained in management and
economics in various specializations for real business. Under the
leadership of Denis, more than 10 thousand people were trained
for various educational programs.Denis has 4 years of experience
managing a recruiting agency.
Since 2013, he is actively engaged in the development of the GGlobal

David Chen
Strategic consultant and developer of
platform’s artificial intelligence
An experienced entrepreneur and business leader specializing in
investment, business development and the development of
artificial intelligence. Mr. Chen successfully advised many
companies on strategic development, mergers and acquisitions
issues. one of the creators of Skype. The founder of a large
investment and venture fund AngelVest (http:// and one of the project’s leaders which
created the world's first humanoid robot with artificial
intelligence and the function of recognizing individuals.

Hanon Barabaner
Scientific leader of the project
Doctor of Economics, Academician of the International
Academy of Sciences of Higher School, member of the
International Union of Economists, Vice-President of the
Coordination Council of the Eurasian Economic Club of
Scientists. Contributes to the G-Global project on economic
and macroeconomic issues.

John Underhill
Blockchain developer
The founder of QIS Project Inc, which specialise in reliable
business-computer systems and services for the corporate
sector of the economy, Company provides service and
maintenance in southern California and throughout the

Murat Karimsakov
Leader’s Deputy of the International Secretariat of
President of the Eurasian Economic Club of
Scientists in Kazakhstan, Murat has more than 25
years of experience in the financial sector.
Representative of the G-Global project in various
domestic and foreign forums

Murat Karimsakov and Hanon Barabaner are members of the Eurasian
Economic Club of Scientists, which allows using the resource of this organization as a basis
for discussions, consultations and promotion of the project.

The Eurasian Economic Club of Scholars includes such well-known researchers as Joseph
Stiglitz, Edmund Phalps, Thomas Sargent, Robert Mundell, Edward
Prescott, Christopher Pissarides, Finn Kydland, Robert Aumann,
George Akerlof, George Fitzgerald 

Robert Hirvi
Financial Consultant
In the G-Global project, Robert is responsible for the
finance and legal issues. area.
Robert specializes in international taxation. Advises leading
companies in Estonia.
In addition, he has more than 25 years of experience in
the audit company.

Maxim Baluev
Blockchain developer
Maxim is a Blockchain developer of the project. Has
experience of managing a developers team of 8 people.
The main activity: the creation of decentralized systems and
block applications, conducted experiments using Solidity

Anatoly Bordyugov
Blockchain analyst
Anatoly has five years of experience in the financial
sector, as well as work experience in international
consulting company KPMG as an investment analyst,
helps to attract investments for the projects of market

Nurullov Vagiz
Vagiz has working experience in one of the leaders of the
banking industry. Successfully implemented a number of
cases in a consulting boutique that deals with strategic
development and comprehensive support of projects,
including those related to new technologies.

Andrey Dekelbaum
Front-end developer, designer
Andrey is one of the developers of the beta version of
the G-Global platform.
In G-Global, Andrew is responsible for visual perception
and interface, the introduction of new technologies, as
well as the development of technical project

Nikolai Lanec
Back-end developer
In the project, Nikolay is involved in the internal
development of the project. He is one of the leading
specialists on MODX Revolution in the world.
At the moment Nikolay is engaged in the integration
of modern JavaScript technologies and creating
various mapping services based on Google and
Yandex maps.

The platform project team is represented by experts from various
industries, including the financial sector, legal support and
investment activities. Representatives of the three continents will
apply all their efforts and knowledge to build and develop a global
platform, analogues of which do not exist.
The head office of the team is in Estonia.

Roadmap Prior To Contribution Period
  • 01 November 2013 - the birth of an idea, a global communication platform for business development. The opening of the G-Global Development Community (Estonia).
  • 02 January 2014 - opening of the website for experts and realization of G-Global Development Community
  • 03 February 2014 - the establishment of G-Global Business Portal with the goal of creating platform for communication bethween investors and startups
  • 04 April 2015 - launch of the online platform for communication between investors and initiators of projects and start-ups.
  • 05 March 2016 - the rejection of the idea of platform realization. The understanding has come that the project has no future.
  • 06 September 2016 - the birth of the experts and consulting services Marketplace idea. Development of beta version of the platform with individual and group audio and video chats.
  • 07 May 2017 - testing of the Marketplace of experts and consulting services with first experts and customers -
  • 08 July 2017 - Writing of Whitepaper and working on business model. Gathering the team to realize this idea.
  • 09 September 2017 - the work on the platform software and the passionarity protocol for the Ethereum blockchain base.
  • 10 November 2017 - meetings with team members, discussion of work responsibilities and area of obligation with all team members and advisers of the project.
  • 11 January 2018 - Pre-Sale for the launching of MVP. Realization of some key parts of the protocol, preparation for integration of payment system and gateways, basic integration of G-Global Token.
  • 12 March - April 2018 - ICO stage is made to enter the G-Global token into circulation, raise funds for the promotion of marketplace and develop a payment module for the G-Global business platform.
  • 13 January 2019 - official release, the launch of full-scale marketing activities.
To find out more about G-Global you can visit some of the official websites below:

By. piqulhdt28
ETH : 0x9E5793c693D083c84C460315E146db84A8064479


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