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Hasil gambar untuk doctailor bounty
DocTailor is unique in conforming to intelligent legal contract platforms, enabling lawyers, individuals, and organizations to post and create intelligent contracts that are legally tailored and deal on blockchain.

There are many requests for smart contracts, though few utilize the services already available. In fact, while almost half of all senior executives believe there is value in smart contracts in blockchain, and while they will be happy To use smart contracting services, reports show that only 13% actually incorporate technology into their work. This highlight the fact that something is missing from existing services preventing widespread adoption.

* DocTailor issues *

Blockchain technology remains relatively new and yet to be found concept; a fact which, in part, is responsible for the current low adoption rates that have been witnessed. Many businesses and consumers are still not fully onboard with understanding, and blockchain has become a controversial topic, although many clear benefits that such a technology promises to be given. However, some areas of blockchain are more acceptable than others. For example, research shows that the idea of ​​storing personal data in blockchains is still far from the year of widespread adoption, with many believing it would take about 10 years for this to be the main practice. The public, however, is somewhat open-minded about smart contracts in blockchain, with this technological calculation estimated to be the mainstream practice in 5 years.

The main concern is that, to get the value of technological blockchain, a significant change or complete overhaul often takes place an existing 'test and test' system. For blockchain to Be a part of everyday life, problems need to be identified and addressed, with appropriate solutions implemented.

*The solution is DocTailor*

DocTailor has been introduced as a viable long-term solution to the issues that hinder the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Focuses on the weakness of existing intelligent contract application user experience - DocTailor allows easy access to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracting. This platform will support third party API integration, allowing any smart contracts tailored for inclusion into third-party systems.

The idea is simple and easy for businesses to create and implement smart contracts while benefiting from the cryptocurrency economy.


Based on the characteristics and benefits of DocTailor, it is clear that the platform has the necessary features and most importantly, the unique selling point required (USP) to achieve its goal of revolutionizing the existing smart contract landscape. The platform A special focus on user experience and accessibility makes DocTailor the most appropriate candidate currently to disrupt existing system contracts.

However, DocTailor's success relies heavily on the greater adoption of blockchain, not only from individuals, but also from legal organizations and professionals. As a tailor platform, there is dependence on users to work on creating DocTailor data. However, blockchain adoption is said to soar in the coming years, with more than half of executives claiming that their business will be at a significant 'loss' position against future competitors if they fail to capitalize on blockchain.

Smart Custom Custom Contract Custom for Everyone and Industry Moving Crypto Business Forward Safely And Trustedly Within a few years, crypto economy will exceed 10 trillion dollars. The owner of cryptocurrency will be the cornerstone in the relationship between decentralized economies and will rely heavily on automated tailor-made legal deals and smart contracts to move forward with business opportunities. DocTailor's mission is to lay the groundwork for allowing non-crypto businesses to access a multi-trillion dollar crypto-flowing economy; at the same time, paving the way for organizations and individuals, to create automated and smart contract deals to help accelerate their crypto business transactions.

Use of DOCT tokens on the DocTailor Platform How DOCT tokens are used on the platform DOCT tokens give users access to create smart tailor-made legal documents on the DocTailor platform. Every token provides users with "DocTime" which can be used to create contracts, agreements for use in over 100 different industries. 

Every token used on the platform instead of fiat currency, adds extra time to the users account. Token users are awarded bonuses; in the form of access to exclusive smart document templates and free-feature time.

User Holder & Platform Token:

* Token Holders

1. Token holder can either convert Doctailor pokens rewards to DOCT or ETH.

2. 5% of total revenue derived from the platform is allocated to all DOCT token holders every quarter.

* Platform Users

1. All created smart tailor-made agreements and contracts on the platform, will continuously earn authors income, who are opting for similar requirements.

2. Easy, fast, cost-effective access to useful, complex contracts that deliver useful functionality and business opportunities.

"DOCTAILOR" or DOCT is the ERC20 Standard Token on blockchain Ethereum, fully compatible with all Ethereal purses that have ERC20 Token and smart-contract support using the ERC20 Standard. Can be used as coins, certificates, IOUs, game credits, currency for services, and others have no value, DOCT that create token requests and hopefully increases that value. DOCTAILOR, these coins are bounty shaped.

And some bounty programs that are prepared also vary and very much. In the form of bounty twitter, facebook, video, logo contest, blog or article and signature campaign. Https://

*Number Of Tokens On Sale*

500M (500,000,000) DOCT, of which:

300M to be available in tokensale.
50M are reserved for ICO bonuses.
100M retained by DocTailor.
50M are reserved for early adopters in PRESALE
Etherum ERC20 Etherum ERC20
Purchase methods accepted: BTC and ETH (1ETH = 2700 DOCT tokens).

*Bonus Stage for Pre-ICO & Sales major*


All ico projects may have a different base and concept, but after I saw this project, I am interested because most of its tosses are free to contribute some great ideas to build and make this project a Big and famous. So do not ever hesitate to give your idea into this project, and you can be successful with DOCT DOCTAILOR.

Further information:

By. piqulhdt28
ETH : 0x9E5793c693D083c84C460315E146db84A8064479


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