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RxEAL is a platform for untrusted

RxEAL, the new platform for secure deposit storage of collateral rental in Ethereal, announces the commencement of its own token sale. The RxEAL platform plans to address the growing number of dispute deposits - providing an easy way to conclude "smart" contracts and offering decentralized dispute resolution. Currently, the company's main focus is on real estate leases and car rental markets.

A real solution to a growing problem

Today, more and more people are involved in real estate rental deals, cars and other property types. The increase in rental volume leads to an increase in disagreements related to lease guarantees. Significant amounts - nearly 50% of all warranties worldwide - are in dispute, causing financial losses to tenants and landlords. Only in Britain, the total loss due to the dispute is estimated at 6 billion euros. "The mission of RxEAL is to create conditions for a conflict-free circulation of the deposit-deposit guarantee. We want to increase the attractiveness of the leased goods both for those who rent and for those who take the property for rent. By using blockchain technology, this can be done in a safe, simple and affordable way, "said Dmitry Orlov,

The RxEAL platform will also be a powerful solution to combat the increasing number of fraud cases in lease transactions, when the deposit is not done unfairly at the end of the lease term. By using the RxEAL platform, both parties will be able to create an agreed contract that provides all the conditions of rent that satisfy tenants and landlords. The contract guarantees a safe deposit of the deposit amount in the Ethereum unit during the entire deal. In the event of a dispute, this platform will provide a decentralized and independent arbitration, conducted by qualified professionals who obtain RxEAL tokens for dispute settlement.

The system offered by RxEAL excludes possible breaches of contracts, thus solving trust issues associated with rent. New ways to benefit from real estate Apart from competition from new ICO projects and the fact that many similar projects can hardly be called successful, industry experts believe that RxEAL is an affordable, easy to understand and realistic solution worth considering as an investment object. , a partner in establishing the Latvian Timbero company, is confident: "This is an innovation for a branch that always needs modernization and the decision to be a constant problem, from which one of the largest deposits.

RxEAL is simple and affordable in terms of implementation, which makes such proposals as a good way to earn profits in the real estate industry. "To learn more, visit the official website of RxEAL

Roadmap for RxEAL platform

ICO Date The initial sales of ICO tokens will begin on 15 January 2018 at 15:00 Moscow time. The end of the initial sale on February 19, 2018 at 15:00 Moscow time.

Also, the initial sale of tokens may end earlier if the cost ceiling is reached. * Pre-sale participants can purchase RXL tokens with 100% bonus at a fixed rate of 0.00125 ETH.



For more details and joining the current RxEAL project please follow some of the Links below:

Author : piqulhdt28
ETH : 0x9E5793c693D083c84C460315E146db84A8064479


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