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The Modern Shopping Journey
 The path to purchase from discovery to fulfillment is long-winded, with many distractions in between — to the extent that the modern shopper’s journey rarely starts from stores, websites or even mobile apps anymore. Today even marketplaces have a hard time establishing themselves as a destination.A given shopper has to open multiple windows, make multiple trips and use numerous applications across devices to make a simple shopping decision. The modern shopper’s discovery starts with content, such as social media, magazine articles, movies, videos, and real world events and places — where they should be able to directly shop from. They should be able to buy online, pick up offline, or see offline and buy online. They need to locate products near them and communicate with sales people real-time. They should have fun with social shopping. They should see where the products have been featured, real-time deals & coupons, look-alikes and a 360 degree view of the products, wherever they are, in ONE window.
Attribution Models and the Advertising Industry are Broken
Despite the fact that influencer marketing is one of the most effective channels for reaching shoppers and the fastest growing due to shopper behavior changes, the adoption of the channel has been full of challenges for both retailers and influencers.
Background problems with  shopping, sales, and advertising
Shoppers’ behavior changes 
Proliferation of buying options has changed modern consumers’ be- havior drastically. To the extent that their shopping journey rarely starts from stores, websites or even mobile apps. Even marketplaces have a hard time establishing themselves as a destination.
mCart Protocol
Despite the fact that influencer marketing is one of the most effective 
channels for reaching shoppers and the fastest growing due to shop-
per behavior changes, the adoption of the channel has been full of 
challenges for both retailers and influencers.
It’s in the best interest of the retailers and influencers to work together 
to drive the sales of their best products to consumers. However, due to 
a lack of transparent and verifiable data and the potential presence of 
bad actors, each party is forced to fend for themselves: influencers are 
incentivized to claim contribution to every sale while retailers and mar-
ketplace operators are incentivized to dispute these claims and avoid 
paying for any sales. The main reason is lack of trust and transparency.

mCart Token
Cryptoeconomic protocols create financial incentives that drive a net-work of rational economic agents to coordinate their behavior towards  the completion of a process. Establishing and maintaining an open 
standard is a coordination problem that adds operational overhead for all contributing parties. Coordination can be especially challenging when each party has different needs and financial incentives. Protocol tokens can align financial incentives and offset costs associated with organizing multiple parties around a single technical standard. 
mCart Token Crowdsale
The mCart token will be deployed to the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token with a fixed supply of 100 million tokens. The token symbol will be mCart. Mavatar will hold a crowdsale process for launch and introduction of the mCart token. Of the 100 million total token supply, 40% will be made available for purchase through the crowdsale process to launch contributors. The crowdsale will occur in two phases: pre-sale which is set to start in December, 2017. It will be followed by a public sale, which will commence in May, 2018 and is expected to end in May, 2018 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms and conditions of the crowdsale. During the public crowdsale, tokens will only be sold for Ethereum (ETH) and we will issue [•] mCart tokens for each ETH.  Price will be based on the current price of the ETH, the number of mCart tokens to be sold and the current market environment.
Road Map

Team & Advisors

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Author : piqulhdt28

ETH : 0x9E5793c693D083c84C460315E146db84A8064479


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