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The current television ecosystem has been broken. TV networks around the world abuse market power as gatekeepers to increase advertiser prices, reduce payouts to creators and increase consumer subscription costs. They actively hinder innovation in delivering content and advertising technology to maintain their oligopolistic position and benefits.
Many consumers are rightly frustrated about the state of the broadcast television. They enjoy the lean-back nature of a fixed program schedule, but would like to see more premium content that is adapted to their viewing patterns and interests. At the same time, technological giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Netflix want to build their walled garden around the television ecosystem, eager to gain more power through data and access to consumers. TV-TWO offers the community a solution in the form of an open platform. Visit for more information.
We want to establish a direct relationship between consumers, content providers and advertisers (see Figure 1). The individual players are empowered to pursue direct interactions on the blockchain, to decentralize the ecosystem and to disarm oligopolistic TV networks, broadcast providers and technology giants, because they actively impede open innovation. In section A.1 we validate our claim that TV networks are organized as oligopolies. Based on the lessons from the programmatic advertising space that is plagued by fraud, limited visibility and brand security problems, we will take the leap forward for more information by creating transparency right down to the core of the model.
TV-TWO is divided into two layers. The first layer, which is entered after the start of the application, consists of the broadcast signal with all standard TV functionalities. The second layer, reached by pressing Enter on the remote control, displays the personalized video stream.
For the first launch of the application an onboarding is shown to explain the basic functionality. After that, starting the application immediately leads the user to the first layer – the current channel that is displayed in the TV window. Although the viewing experience is unchanged, Hbb banner ads sold by TV networks are hidden from the user. Occasionally a reminder about entering the TV-TWO video stream is displayed. The user has the following navigation options in the first layer of the application:
Guide displays the program guide, the return to the application is executed once the guide is closed
Channel list shows the channel list, the return to the application is executed as soon as the channel list is closed
Channel up / down lets you tune up and down while the TV window is displayed with channel information
With 0-9 you can jump directly to another channel number
Right on the D-pad minimizes messages from TV-TWO
Return / Exit closes the application
Enter allows you to switch between the TV broadcast layer and the video stream layer
When you press Enter, the user is directed to the second layer that was inserted before the broadcast signal. The layer shows a video stream that is automatically tuned to the user. On first use, navigation through the video stream is explained.
In the fourth use, a search for the preferences of the genre is performed by pressing left or right on the remote control. Similarly, at various points during the video stream, short questions are asked to the user for additional TTV (for example to ask the user for an age group). If none of these special situations occur, a suitable video link will be requested and played back. Once a video is complete or skipped, progress is documented in the TV-TWO G / L system. The process is automated via a supervised learning algorithm. Occasionally a reminder is displayed to look back at the broadcast signal. In the video layer, the controls are as follows:
Enter allows you to switch between the TV broadcast layer and the video stream layer. You can select elements in the navigation bar of the video
With Channel Up / Down you can switch to the next or previous video in the stream
Up / Down on the D-pad is activated and closed, the navigation bar with controls for the current video and information about the video length and playing position
Left / Right on the D-pad can move in the navigation bar of the current video to play, pause, stop, fast forward, rewind or skip. TV-TWO messages can be minimized and short, surveys can be completed
Play / Pause / Stop / Fast Forward / Rewind controls the video without the navigation bar
A token based T08, the token for television, will fuel the ecosystem while ensuring safety and fairness.
How does it work?
Step 1: install the TV-TWO app on your Smart TV.
Step 2: Synchronize your TV’s wallet with your other devices.
Step 3: Watch Broadcast and your personalized video stream.
Step 4: Check the tokens that you have collected.
Step 5: Exchange your tokens for ether, Bitcoin or Fiat.
How does it scale?
In order to overcome the currently limited scalability as well as increase the latency and transaction costs of Ethereum, we use off-chain signature patterns. State channels are used to facilitate interactions between market participants.
Interactive coin supply
The Interactive Coin Offering (ICO), the mode of our crowdsale, was first proposed by Vitalik Buterin and Jason Teutsch to make crowdsales a game of perfect information. They take the uncapped model and propose the following rules:
Participants in the crowdsale provide both a bid and a maximum sales value in which they are willing to participate.
If the sales amount reaches the maximum sales value, the participant’s bid will be canceled and the contribution will be refunded.
If they choose this, participants have the option to withdraw their bid from the sale until a period for blocking the withdrawal has been reached.
A gradually decreasing discount is given at the beginning of the sale to stimulate early participation.
Individual buyers can place multiple bids on different valuations.
We will use the new and improved crowdsale standard of the Interactive Coin Offering (ICO) to ensure a fairer and more transparent allocation process.
Token Distribution
The Token for Television (TTV) is divided as follows:
Available for purchase: 500,000,000 TV tokens are available for purchase. In relative terms, 75% of all tokens will be sold to the public during the crowdsale
Team: 15% of the available tokens are kept by TV-TWO. The tokens are acquired over three years.
Supporters and advisors: 6% of the available tokens goes to supporters and consultants of TV-TWO
Campaigns: 4% of the available tokens are awarded to supporters who have participated in the Bounty and Marketing Campaign
Market Maker: every ETH that subscribes more than 90% of the hard-cap is closed for two years in a smart contract. The smart contract stabilizes the price of the TTV by automatically buying tokens if the market price falls below the issue price
Unsold tokens are burned
More tokens are not made in the future
Allotment of funds The funds
collected in the crowdsale will be used as follows:
Engineering and development: 60% of the resources will be used to support and grow the Engineering team to accelerate the development of the TV-TWO application and the interaction with the decentralized TTV ecosystem
Marketing: 14% of the money will be used to grow the TV-TWO user base with both promotional efforts and TTV incentives
Partner involvement: 6% of the money will be used to recruit content and advertising partners committed to the joint growth of the TTV ecosystem
Legal and administrative: 10% of the money is used to cover the legal and administrative costs associated with the execution of TV-TWO
Necessity: 10% of the funds are reserved for unforeseen developments
The tokens of the team have been acquired over three years. Every ETH that goes over 90% of the hard cap is closed for two years in a smart contract.
The smart contract stabilizes the price of the TTV by automatically buying back tokens if the market price falls below the issue price.
More information :

Author : piqulhdt28


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